Join us!
Which ensemble is the right one for me?
We can help you decide! Joining The Instrumentals is easy (no auditions!) and we are always welcoming of new players. To join one of the adult ensembles, you are required to be able to sight read and play either a string or woodwind instrument and for the youth ensemble we ask that you are taking regular music lessons and have learnt your instrument for a year. Email us at: and you will be directed to one of the ensemble coordinators.
The Dorkestra – for intermediate and advanced adult string and woodwind players. We looking for more violinists in particular, but all strings are very welcome!! Apologies to aspiring flute members – we completely at max. capacity for flutes. We meet every Thursday night, 7.30pm-9.30pm all year round at the North Fremantle Community Centre Hall, 2 Thompson Road, North Fremantle (off Stirling Highway). CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO.
The Awkwardstra – for intermediate adult string and woodwind players. We are always in need of more cellists, woodwind and violinists. We meet Wednesday nights, 7.00pm-9.00pm all year round in the open space of Building 304, Curtin University in Bentley. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
String Beans – for primary school players with some experience. We meet on Thursdays 4.00pm – 5.30pm at the North Fremantle Community Hall, 2 Thompson Road, North Fremantle (off Stirling Highway). CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
To support the Orchestra’s development, fees apply. We are a voluntary, not-for-profit organisation, so fees are neccessary for covering the the time and skills of our musical director, venue hire and insurance.
If you’re interested, we invite you to play with us for 2 rehearsals at no charge (free) so that you can get a feel for whether we are a good fit for you!
Orchestra fees are paid by the semester (Jan – June and July – Dec) and you will be invoiced at the start of each semester. Dorks and Awks if other commitments mean that you can’t come regularly, please talk to your ensemble coordinator. If you are particularly enthusiastic and wish to play in both Dorks and Awks, it’s just one fee for both orchestras.
Getting in touch with us:
- Facebook: find us, Like and Follow us on Facebook! Click here for the Dorkestra and click here for The Awkwardstra. You can also enquire about joining through Messenger on Facebook.
- Email: Get in contact us at
- Email: Get in contact us at