The String Beans youth orchestra is for young players who can read some music and have been playing their instrument for a year or more. The ‘Beans’ develop their ensemble technique and performance skills in a friendly environment.
This ensemble is a mini orchestra where children learn to play together with other instruments. They learn to follow the conductor, listen to what everyone else is playing and read the music all at the same time! Sounds tricky but it’s great fun! AND you’ll soon discover what that arm waving is all about! Children wishing to join the ‘Bean’s need to have been learning the violin, viola or cello for at least 1 year and currently having music lessons.
The String Beans’ current favourites are Holst’s Jupiter, Cohen’s Pizzipeeey, Your Feet’s Too Big! by Waller & Fisher and from our illustrious conductor himself – the Ominous Jig! by Daemon Clark.
The String Beans play during school term time on Thursdays 4.00pm – 5.30pm at North Fremantle Community Hall, 2 Thompson Street, North Fremantle (off Stirling Highway).